Sunday, October 29, 2017

YONKERS DEM MIKE KHADER: "Who Is Joseph Spiezio?"

Yonkers Democrat #MikeKhader Starts To Distance Himself From Joseph Spiezio to Try And Preserve Any Credibility That His Failing Campaign Has Lost

Yonkers City Council President, Democratic candidate Mike Khader has received some endorsements, but there is one endorsement and support, Khader has refused, and that is of #JosephSpiezio.

Seeing the toxicity #JoeSpiezio's support brings with it, as in Mount Vernon Mayor Richard Thomas' administration, his connection to Republican County Executive Robert Astorino. Khader has removed all references, photos and videos of Spiezio From his website and social media pages.

Khader who has done work as a lawyer for Spiezio has been going to great lengths to distance himself from the controversial Mount Vernon / Yonkers garbageman.

True Yonkers Democrats were in an uproar when Mayor Thomas, who is known in Democratic circles as the Turncoat Democrat, was seen playing a prominent role at Mike Khader's Kick off fundraiser.

Rumor spread fast throughout the Yonkers City workers that the election of Khader with Spiezio ruling like he rules in Mt. Vernon would lead to privatization of DPW with Spiezio company takeover and dissolve the union.

Not to mention the detail expose by the Journal News of possible criminal and unethical activities of Thomas and Spiezio in Mount Vernon.

Mike Khader who received alot of bad press for his alleged connection to Joe Spiezio who is still a a client of the Khader law firm.

There are many lawsuits still pending in which he represents the reputed garbageman and Deputy Police Commissioner of the Mount Vernon Police Department  (none currently having to do with the City of Mount Vernon).

There are those who think Joe Spiezio was bankrolling Mike Khader's candidacy to get back into Yonkers political circles.

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