Wednesday, December 13, 2017

PRESS RELEASE: Spano Announces Bid for 37th State Senate District

YONKERS – Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano announced his intention to seek the Democratic Party nomination for the 37th State Senate District, which will become vacant Jan 1 when Senator George Latimer becomes Westchester County Executive. 
“We’ve turned Yonkers around during my six years as mayor,” said Spano, adding, “I want to put that record of success and leadership to work for the people of the 37th District.” 
“I’ll work to get Albany’s attention to our needs, and you can bet I’ll stand up for Westchester values against the assault we are under from the Trump administration,” said Spano. 
Spano said he has been talking to Democratic activists and district leaders throughout the 37th District, and is extremely heartened by their encouragement. “The support is strong, and once the Governor sets the date for a special election, they know I’m going to hit the ground running.” 
Spano said his priorities will be to fight for a fair share of education funding for Westchester school districts, to ensure the area economy remains strong, and to hold the line on taxes. “People want good jobs, they want good schools, and they don’t want to be taxed out of existence,” said Spano, “That’s what this election will be about.” 
Elected as Mayor in 2011 after representing Yonkers as an Assemblyman, Spano led the City to success in a wide variety of areas. He transformed the City’s bond rating from near-junk status to an “A” rating by Moody’s and Standard & Poors. All of his submitted budgets stayed within the state property tax cap. He inherited a $55 million shortfall in school district funds due to accounting  errors begun under the prior administration, and fixed the problem without resorting to layoffs or cuts in education programs. 
The 37th State Senate District stretches from parts of Yonkers and New Rochelle in the south following the eastern side of the county to Bedford. It is comprised of Bedford, Bronxville, Eastchester, Harrison, Larchmont, Mamaroneck, New Rochelle, Port Chester, Rye, Rye Brook, Tuckahoe, White Plains and Yonkers.  

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