Wednesday, December 13, 2017

PRESS RELEASE: City of Yonkers Begins Renovations of Nodine Hill Water Tower

YONKERS, NY – December 13, 2017 --
 Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano along with Public Works Commissioner Tom Meier today announced the Nodine Hill Water Tower will undergo a $4 million renovation. Extensive interior and exterior construction on the water tower began last month and is expected to conclude in spring 2018.
“We are pleased to move forward with this a much-needed facelift and update to our water system,” said Mayor Spano. “The goal of this capital project is not just to provide a nice coat of paint, but to protect and invest in our city infrastructure for the next 30 years. I applaud our Public Works Department for their hard work in prioritizing this project while ensuring it is done properly and safely.”
The scope of work on the tower includes fully removing the existing coating system, preparing and painting the tank’s interior and exterior, replacing the catwalk, roof access ladder, tank roof vent, upgrading existing electrical service, and  providing other structural improvements and repairs.
“It has been four years in the planning and one year to design the work needed to improve this critical part of our water infrastructure and thanks to the Mayor and his leadership we are finally able to get this project started,” said Tom Meier, Commissioner of Public Works.
Repairs of the Nodine Hill Water Tower will be done in coordination with the City of Yonkers Department of Public Works, Woodard & Curran Engineering, D&B Engineers and Architects, Nuco Steel Corp. and RLJ Electrical Corp.
The Nodine Hill Water Tower, located on Prescott Street, is one of three city water towers that service the City of Yonkers. Constructed in 1938, the water tower was last renovated in the late 1980s. The Nodine Hill tower holds one million gallons of water and provides water pressure to the city’s water system.

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