Thursday, October 12, 2017

PRESS RELEASE: Yonkers Bravest Endorse City Council President Liam McLaughlin

YONKERS, NY – Yonkers City Council President Liam McLaughlin continues to secure the lion’s share of the endorsements in his 2017 bid for re-election.

Today at, he received the prestigious endorsement of the Uniformed Fire Officers Association, which represents the 133 Lieutenants, Captains, Assistant and Deputy Chiefs of the Yonkers Fire Department.

John Flynn, president of the Yonkers UFOA, said, “Liam McLaughlin has shown that he is willing and able to balance a fiscally conservative legislative agenda with strong support for public safety, and therefore the Yonkers Uniformed Fire Officers Association is proud to stand with our Council President today.”
“Yonkers bravest put their lives for us on the line every day, so as public servants, elected officials, as citizens and neighbors, we need to be there for them,” McLaughlin said. “I’d like to thank the Yonkers UFOA for their service and for their leadership in running the Yonkers Fire Department. I am honored to have their support and pledge to continue working with them to protect their members and the people of the City of Yonkers.”
The Yonkers UFOA joins a growing list of public safety unions which are backing the Council President. McLaughlin’s other endorsements include the Yonkers PBA, the Yonkers CLSA, the Affiliated Police Associations of Westchester County, which includes every local PBA in the County, the Westchester County Correction Superior Officers Association, the New York City Sergeants Benevolence Association, the New York State Supreme Court Officers Association, the Detective’s Endowment Association, the Police Conference of New York, and the New York State Association of Police Benevolent Associations. He is also endorsed by the League of Conservation Voters.
“The last number of years have been difficult for Yonkers Fire Officers in many ways. We have suffered through the closure of Fire Station-1, serious injuries and line of duty deaths, and a lengthy contract battle during which our members did not receive a cost of living adjustment for almost seven years,” Flynn added. “We are currently involved in ongoing litigation with the City administration concerning the arbitrary and unfair withholding of pension benefits for disabled Fire Officers and Firefighters, and several other serious issues. Throughout all of this, Liam has been a leader that we can turn to with our concerns.”
He concluded, “Council President McLaughlin has served as a mediator and has been a voice of reason who has assisted us with resolving some of our issues, and has helped to move us on a path that we hope will eventually result in the resolution of our remaining disputes with the City of Yonkers administration. Liam McLaughlin is well versed in the difficulties and intricacies inherent in the fiscal realities facing our city. While Council President McLaughlin may not always agree with each of the concerns of the Yonkers Fire Officers, he has always been willing to listen, and to advocate on our behalf as we participate in ongoing dialogue and negotiations designed to seek collaborative solutions and to capitalize on opportunities that will best serve our members as well as the residents and businesses of our great city.”

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