Tuesday, May 9, 2017

PRESS RELEASE: Yonkers Legislator Ken Jenkins Responds to Astorino’s Wasteful Indian Point Lawsuit

JENKINS: We Need Leadership, Not a Frivolous Lawsuit

County Executive 
Rob Astorino announced that Westchester will be filing an Article 78 lawsuit against the State of New York on the decision to close Indian Point nuclear power plant.

YONKERS, NY– May 9, 2017 —  “We need to work with all stakeholders to unite the community, and work on a plan for the future,” said Jenkins.

“Now is the time to lead instead of grandstanding to part of the solution. We need to bring the community together and work on a plan for the safety of residents in the surrounding areas. Now is the time to work together to mitigate the economic loss of the closing, and do what we can to create jobs.”
In a radio interview today, Rob Astorino announced his appeal of the state decision to close Indian Point. He called the decision an environmental catastrophe and railed against the state government for their neglect of the communities surrounding Indian Point.
“Westchester County should not waste a dime on this political sham of a lawsuit,” said Jenkins. “Astorino is once again wasting taxpayer funds to play politics, instead of leading the County. He should focus on how Westchester moves forward. The closing has already been announced, and the County Exec has made no plan. He should actually do his job, not waste our time and money.”
The Indian Point closing was announced in early January, after a long series of negotiations between the State and Entergy, the company who runs the plant. The County Executive’s lawsuit cites the closing decision did not properly consider the impact on the area because it was made before an Environmental Impact Study was finished.

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