Wednesday, May 3, 2017

PRESS RELEASE: Liam McLaughlin Makes Announcement In Yonkers

YONKERS, NY – Yonkers City Council President Liam McLaughlin announced his plans for re-election in the 2017 campaign season this Wednesday in Yonkers.

Hundreds of local residents and supporters were on hand to hear this special announcement.

“Together, in 2013 we campaigned on the message that we could believe in a better Yonkers, a city that would no longer be beset by the partisan rancor and bickering that had for far too long plagued Washington and Albany,” McLaughlin said. “A city where the politics of the past would be set aside, where we could enjoy a government of, by, and for the people. A city where everyone deserves the opportunity to succeed. A city moving forward.”
He continued, “Four years later, here we stand, and in my view, those beliefs have come to fruition. It has been my great honor to serve as your Council President, and today, I humbly come before you to seek your support as I announce that I am once again a candidate for Yonkers City Council President.”
McLaughlin is a CPA and attorney. He lives in Yonkers with his wife, Debbie, and their son, Ryan Patrick. The Republican is currently serving in his first term as City Council President after having been elected with 57% of the vote in 2013.
“This is about public service, not about politics, and certainly not about self-service,” McLaughlin said. “Wouldn’t it be nice to see Albany or Washington working together in a similar fashion? Perhaps it’s something we can all hope for. Because that’s what we deserve.
“I’ve traveled all around our City and I’ve been inspired by the people I’ve met,” he continued. “I understand your frustrations with government but together we have worked to move Yonkers forward. If I am fortunate enough to be granted a second term as your Council President, we will continue do just that. Yonkers is a great City, with great people. It will be my honor to continue serving the City I love….and to deliver leadership, as promised.”

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